TikTok for Teens — What Parents Need to Know


What is TikTok?

TikTok is a new app that is sweeping the social media landscape. It has become even more popular in the App Store than Snapchat and Facebook. It is essentially a hub of home music videos. TikTok can be fun for everyone if used in the right spirit. But is TikTok safe for kids?

TikTok is a short-form, video -sharing app that allows users to create and share 15 - second videos on any topic. TikTok is a social network for sharing user-generated videos, mostly of people lip-synching to popular songs. Think Karaoke for the digital age. Users can create and upload their own videos where they lip-synch, sing, dance, or just talk. Like most social media platforms, users earn likes and comments on their posts. You can also browse and interact with other users' content, which covers a wide range of topics, songs, and styles without posting your own content. These videos can be grouped by hashtags, which often correspond to challenges or memes.

Many minor TikTok celebrities have 100,000 plus followers and the biggest stars break 10 million and more. TikTok’s editing features make it easy for kids to create professional looking videos. It can create funny, humorous scenarios and allow kids to express themselves through song.

Is TikTok safe for my teen?

Whenever there are a huge number of people using a social app, there’s a dark side. TikTok users can contact anyone in the world due to the public nature of the platform. Although you can block or report others for inappropriate messages, TikTok has no broader parental controls. Even if you set your own account to private, you may still be exposed to sexual or violent content posted to the public feed.

In addition, there are several reports that discuss the dangers of TikTok, from predator concerns to collecting data on minors without parental consent. We want parents to be informed before they give their children access to this app. People of all ages use TikTok so your child could come across swearing, scantily clad adults and suggestive dancing.

How might cyber - bullying play out on TikTok?

TikTok users will edit together a bunch of videos that they see as cringe-worthy and post them on YouTube in an effort to make fun of the original posters. These Cringe Compilations have become a popular form of cyberbullying. Many of these videos have gone viral and garnered millions of views on YouTube which can be incredibly damaging, isolating and stigmatizing to its victims. People can create multiple accounts using aliases to target others they don’t like. Trolling is another popular form of cyberbullying used on TikTok through the “reactions” feature which allows users to respond to videos with videos of their own.

How can I monitor my teen’s activity on TikTok?

First off, parents should know that when you open a TikTok account, it is automatically set to public. Other than Restricted Mode, there's no way to filter out content on TikTok, so parents are encouraged to share an account with kids under the age of 13. This will let you keep an eye on what your kid is viewing and posting. Parents of older kids who are more resistant to monitoring can ask about their favorite video creators and get to know their videos. Also, take the time to regularly look at the most popular songs, videos, memes, and challenges.