Seasons Greetings from TMH Juniors

What a wonderful afternoon we had with everyone yesterday. There was such excitement and joy in all of the kids as soon as they walked in the doors and it lasted the whole afternoon. It was so fun to hear the kids chatting about their week and holiday plans without any prompting from me or Sondra.

During hangout the kids had a ton of fun making marshmallow snowmen. Using marshmallows, toothpicks, pretzel sticks and icing, they all were creative in making the cutest little snowmen. I loved hearing how many kids wanted to make extra ones to take home to their families! We had a quick round of freeze dance to Uptown Funk at Gerry's request. This is a great game to reinforce the idea of personal and shared space. We were so proud of how well the kids paid attention to their bodies and made sure to not bump into their friends.  

Our favorite part of the afternoon was hearing each story about how you all celebrate your holidays. It was so nice to see how well everyone paid attention to each other during the sharing.


Jack taught us all about the tradition of using a dreidel at Hanukkah.

Stella shared her very special Kevin the Minion ornament with the group and how it hangs on her Christmas tree that she and her family decorate.

Guy told us all about how he spends Hanukkah with his family and that his favorite part is singing special Hanukkah songs with them all.

Avery was so excited to tell us all about how she spends Hanukkah with her family and that they play special games, eat lots of yummy food and get presents.

Lucy showed us a picture of her silly elves that come each day before Christmas.  The kids got such a kick out of how one of the elves was lying in a hot dog bun while the other was hugging a bottle of ketchup.

Gerry brought in one of his favorite ornaments that he hangs on his Christmas tree. He even showed us how he could throw it up in the air and catch it!

We ended the afternoon making beautiful snow globes. They came out great and the kids were all so proud of them. It was so fun to watch them all going around showing each other how theirs turned out. We couldn't have asked for a better end to the first half of this year at TMH. We are so happy to spend each week with your children and look forward to more exciting times when we return in January. Your children are flourishing and we are watching them each become more socially confident. 

We wish you all a very happy and healthy holiday and will see you in 2017!

Meghan, Sondra and Sarah

FYI:  the kids have really loved the books we have been reading to them this first half of the year.  If you are looking for any last minute gifts, I thought I would share them with you:

Penguin Problems

The Color Monster:  A Pop-Up Book of Feelings

In My Heart

Undercover:  One of These Things is Almost Like the Others

All My Treasures:  A Book of Joy (Growing Hearts)

Rude Cakes