What Do the Summer Olympics & The Meeting House Have in Common?

Do you know anyone who swims? Plays soccer? Rides horseback? Takes gymnastics? Maybe it’s even you! If you do, then you may know someone who is a future Olympian and for sure, you are sharing in exactly the same activities as the international athletes competing in the Olympics this summer. Tucked away in early August, between summer fun and current events, this year’s summer 2016 Olympics will take place in Rio de Janeiro August 5 to 22.

Consistent with our commitment at TMH to keep children aware of relevant current events, and topical goings on in the world, we decided to M-chat about the Olympics. After all, the Olympics show us how much we have in common around the globe and how we are more similar than different. It demonstrates the very best in teamwork, leadership and camaraderie. You can watch firsthand the overwhelming desire to win (and conversely how to lose and be OK!) Take time to notice the athletes cheering each other on. Feel the intensity of their focus. Can you tell by looking at them, how they might be feeling? These are the very skills we practice each week at TMH.

The motto for this year’s Olympics is, “Live Your Passion”. At TMH we are playing hard each week to identify what we are good at, what we like and what challenges us. By engaging in new activities and new adventures, we learn about ourselves. Through experience children begin to form an identity and by reaching goals through mastery our evolving social selves emerge. This is exactly how each and every Olympic athlete started out. They identified what they like doing, what they are good at, set their sights on improving and began living their dream. In each of us there exists a passion, or something that will spark our interest and enthusiasm. What’s yours? We would love to hear about what you may have discovered is your “passion” or something you’d like to try! Maybe just something new you did over the summer months. Happy Olympics watching!

Try this Fun Facts Quiz!

  • This is the number of rings in the Olympic logo.
  • These are the colors of the rings in the logo.
  • This is the place where the Olympics will be hosted this summer.
  • This is the number of sports/events to be played.
  • How many sports can you name?  (Name 6 for bronze , 10 for silver , 12 for gold!)
  • This is the first year of the Olympics, ever.
  • This symbol of the Olympics is carried to the host city and goes out after closing ceremonies.
  • This country has won more medals than any other country at summer Olympics.
  • True or False: There is a winter Olympics.
  • True or False: This is the first Olympics ever held in South America.


Until we meet again, we wish you a summer filled with friends and lots of fun from TMH!
Jackie Covell
Clinical Director