Summer Is Here! Let's Enjoy It.
/As the big holiday of the summer is upon us and school hallways have emptied, camp busses depart, you would think it's time for a big, deep cleansing breath. Yet somehow emotions are running high this summer.
The ever present, 24-hour access to internet news and social media makes it more difficult to protect ourselves from the graphic reminders of change and conflict in the world. Dance clubs, DisneyWorld, swimming, Turkey, elections, sharks and gators to name a few. No wonder we are seeing an increase in anxiety as families separate for what is supposed to be a summer of travel and fun.
Here are a few suggestions to help as we sail into summer mode:
•Have a family calendar/plan for how and when you will all be in touch, visit, travel etc. It helps everyone to be able to anticipate what summer will look like.
•Should they ask, reassure your children that they are safe and that while bad things happen it is highly unlikely to happen to them. Try not to dismiss feelings they may express about feeling anxious.
•Focus on the positive, fun things summer will hold. Express enthusiasm and avoid asking questions about problem areas.
•Try not to linger at the bus stop, or wherever you may be taking your children for drop off. This is a tough one!
Before we know it, the sun-filled days of summer will fly by so let's all agree to take a little time....⛱
Happy Independence Day!
From Jackie Covell and Your Friends at TMH!
Jacklyn Covell is the Clinical Director at The Meeting House