First Day of the TMH Juniors Tuesday Group!

We had a great first day at TMH Juniors! We loved meeting all of the kids and it was so nice to see how well they all got along with each other. The play dough table was a huge hit and we loved seeing the kids all playing together, sharing the materials and making some really creative things with the play dough.  

The goal of the group this week was to get to know one another's names and find out some things about our new friends. We played a game where kids rolled a ball to another friend and asked that person a question about him or herself. The most common questions were finding out about favorite colors or foods. It seems like there are a lot of group members who love the color pink! The purpose of this game was to not only learn names, but also for the kids to become comfortable asking and answering questions with their peers. It took some prompting but we will practice this every week to increase their comfort level. 

Each week, we will be doing a craft activity that the kids will get to take home with them. They loved making their very own aquariums using sticky collage boards and lots of recycled materials. Before going to the art room, we took a close look at the Parkside School's beautiful fish tank to get some ideas. We loved seeing how all the kids were able to use the different materials and make their ideas come to life.  

We have a lot of fun things planned for this summer, with the ultimate goal of making the kids feel more successful in social situations. Next week we will talk about friendship and what it means to be a good friend.  

We hope you all have a great weekend and can't wait to see everyone on Tuesday!