Talking About Anger and Frustration: Week 3 Tuesday Juniors
/What an action packed and fun-filled afternoon we had last Tuesday at The Meeting House. One of the greatest sights to see is the children running into the room for hangout, excited to see their friends, play with toys and tell us about all of their adventures during the past week.
Hangout and snack offers our team a lot of opportunities to watch the the children socialize with each other and help them navigate different situations. We have the chance to encourage them to use their words throughout this part of the afternoon and re-do social moments when needed. Whether it be asking a teacher to help them open their snacks, asking a friend to join a game or activity or having to share materials, we are seeing progress with each child's comfort level. For some, we have to remind them to use a louder voice so everyone can hear what they have to say. Helping them distinguish between their big kid voice, inside voice and outside voice. As the group gets to know each other better, we are seeing that even the quietest child is requiring less encouragement and slowly blossoming while they find their voice.
Today we focused on on the emotions of frustration and anger....feelings that we have all felt at some point in our lives. We started by reading the book Llama Llama Mad At Mama written by Anna Dewdney. As we read the book, we asked the kids to look at the expressions on the faces of the characters and think about how everyone was feeling. At one point, Llama Llama throws a fit because he has had enough of shopping with Mama. The kids couldn't believe that he did that but were able to open up to us about times they have gotten angry and how they cope with this feelings. We talked about how it is normal to feel angry or frustrated but that we have to learn be able to use different strategies instead of throwing a tantrum. Everyone had a chance to participate in the discussion and shared something that makes them feel angry or frustrated. This helps them understand that it is a VERY normal feeling. One of our friends told the group that instead of throwing a fit, Llama Llama should have used his words to tell his Mama how he was feeling.
One of the strategies we talked about today was taking deep breaths or doing a little yoga when you are feeling angry or frustrated. We talked to them about how it is important to calm our bodies down and that sometimes we need help. We sent everyone home with a handout of different breathing exercises you can do at home when they may feel like they are about to "explode". For some kids, I have found using this amazing app Balloonimals can be helpful. I use it in my occupational therapy practice all the time and the kids love it! Kids take a deep belly breath and blow into the microphone of your phone. Once the balloon is done, they shake the phone to form an animal and then get to interact with it.
In art today, they loved making their Calm Down bottles. Using corn syrup, glue, dish soap, hot water and their favorite color glitter, they made their very own bottle that can be used when they are feeling angry or frustrated. We talked to them about how both the shaking of the bottle and the watching of the glitter settling can have a calming effect on their body. They were all so proud of their unique bottles!
SAVE THE DATE: On Tuesday August 8th, we will be having an Ice Cream Social and you are all invited! We hope you can all join us at 4:00 for ice cream, some freeze dance and watch our end of the day meeting. Parents, siblings and caregivers are all invited. Please let us know if you will be able to join us so we have plenty of treats for everyone!
Today we focused on on the emotions of frustration and anger....feelings that we have all felt at some point in our lives. We started by reading the book Llama Llama Mad At Mama written by Anna Dewdney. As we read the book, we asked the kids to look at the expressions on the faces of the characters and think about how everyone was feeling. At one point, Llama Llama throws a fit because he has had enough of shopping with Mama. The kids couldn't believe that he did that but were able to open up to us about times they have gotten angry and how they cope with this feelings. We talked about how it is normal to feel angry or frustrated but that we have to learn be able to use different strategies instead of throwing a tantrum. Everyone had a chance to participate in the discussion and shared something that makes them feel angry or frustrated. This helps them understand that it is a VERY normal feeling. One of our friends told the group that instead of throwing a fit, Llama Llama should have used his words to tell his Mama how he was feeling.
One of the strategies we talked about today was taking deep breaths or doing a little yoga when you are feeling angry or frustrated. We talked to them about how it is important to calm our bodies down and that sometimes we need help. We sent everyone home with a handout of different breathing exercises you can do at home when they may feel like they are about to "explode". For some kids, I have found using this amazing app Balloonimals can be helpful. I use it in my occupational therapy practice all the time and the kids love it! Kids take a deep belly breath and blow into the microphone of your phone. Once the balloon is done, they shake the phone to form an animal and then get to interact with it.
In art today, they loved making their Calm Down bottles. Using corn syrup, glue, dish soap, hot water and their favorite color glitter, they made their very own bottle that can be used when they are feeling angry or frustrated. We talked to them about how both the shaking of the bottle and the watching of the glitter settling can have a calming effect on their body. They were all so proud of their unique bottles!
SAVE THE DATE: On Tuesday August 8th, we will be having an Ice Cream Social and you are all invited! We hope you can all join us at 4:00pm for ice cream, freeze dance, and our end of the day meeting. Parents, siblings and caregivers are all invited. Please let us know if you will be able to join us so we have plenty of treats for everyone!