A Day in the Life at TMH Juniors!

Welcome to a new weekly feature on our blog! Each week we will recap all the Fun, Friendship & Community from our Juniors program. Come in and join the fun!

Hello all!

We had another great day with the group today as we start working on some Halloween creations! It was great to see the children start to get comfortable with the routines and their peers. Everyone knew what to do when they came in, and where to check the schedule for the day!

We built some buildings for the Inside Out characters and used some "expected" behaviors with peers like asking for materials, building together and sharing. Afterward, we started making our "Halloween slime!" We mixed ingredients and we'll wait until next week to finish it and play with it!

We worked in smaller groups to choose the color of our slime, and added in a lot of Halloween goodies!

During M-chat we talked about the "expected" and "unexpected" behaviors we all saw during our slime activity. We introduced our upcoming "shadow puppet" play then passed around the m-chat ball to say what we were going to be for Halloween. This turned into a great conversation about haunted houses, so we decided to have our puppet show take place in a haunted house! We all moved our bodies like different characters we might see in haunted houses.

We then moved into the kitchen to work on our spooky Halloween background for our puppet show:

It's great for us all to work together on the same goal. It's also a great skill for us to be flexible with each other' ideas while working on this goal. We saw a lot of these "expected behaviors" today and shared some things we saw during Bucket Fillers before saying goodbye!

It was a great day, we can't wait until next week when we can make our shadow puppets and perform our show! If you can, try talking to your children about which character they'd like to make for our show!

Thanks everyone, we'll see you next Wednesday!

Becky and Meghan