Happy Summertime! + 30 Seasonal Conversation Starters
/It's all about summertime fun right now, and we're sharing 30 seasonal conversation starters to get you going with your children at the home dinner table or when writing to them at sleep-away camp! Instead of just answering, “my day was fine,” we find these inviting questions will encourage children to be more open and communicative about their summer experiences in either case.
And while the lazy days of summer are on all of our minds we wanted to remind you that enrollment is open for the our afterschool programs in the Fall.
Follow us onTwitterand Instagram to see the daily question through August 22!
1.Which sport do you like to play the most at camp?
2.What camp activity isn’t offered but should be?
3.What is your favorite “around the campfire” activity?
4.What is your favorite and least favorite camp song or cheer?
5.If you could decide the theme of a camp dance what would you choose?
6.If you could create the daily schedule at camp, what would it be?
7.If you could have any band come play at camp which would it be?
8.How many days do you think you could go without showering at camp?
9.What is the best camp game or sport?
10.What is the best camp prank you heard about or participated in?
11.What is your least favorite camp rule?
12.Would you want to be a camp counselor when you get older? What activities would you most like to lead?
13.What will you miss most about camp after it is over? What will you miss the least?
14.If you could choose any five items to come in your next care package what would they be?
15.How many camp BFFs do you have? Where are they from?
16.What is the scariest animal that lives around your camp?
17.What is the best part about being away from home?
18.Who is your favorite counselor or C.I.T?
19.Who is the funniest kid at camp? What do they do that makes you laugh the most?
20.Which do you prefer: cannon ball or swan dive? Which are you better at?
21.What camp food is the most disgusting?
22.Which would be worse: sharing your cabin with a snake, a ghost, a little brother/sister, or the head of camp?
23.If your cabin floor had a secret trap door, where would you want it to lead?
24.If you could pick any famous kid to share your cabin, whom would it be?
25.What is your best ghost story?
26.What is your best food fight story?
27.Would you rather sleep in a tent, an RV, or under the stars in a sleeping bag?
28.If you could re-name your camp, what would you call it?
29.What is worse: ten really itchy mosquito bites, poison ivy or a bee sting?
30.If you had to eat one camp dish for an entire week at every meal, what would you choose?
*all questions taken from The Box Girls Camp Bunk Box of Questions