The Final Countdown of Fun & Friendship

It's really hard to believe that we only have four weeks left of this year's Meeting House Juniors program. We have been having the best time with your kids and truly don't want to see it come to an end. During our final weeks we have many special activities planned...we just hope we can fit them all in!

As I had mentioned in last week's post, we are focusing on increasing flexibility in group settings. This is probably one of the hardest things for almost everyone but one of the most important skills for the kids to practice. We also took advantage of the nice spring weather when we did some relay race activities in the outdoor space.

We will be having some discussions going forward about "have to's" and choices when we will encourage the kids to go outside their comfort zones. Everyone ended up having a lot of fun with the relay race and a quick game of Mother May I and the best part was that everyone had to work on being flexible, patient and most importantly, a good sport!

Because this Sunday is a very special day, we spent our meeting time talking about moms. In a continued effort to work on listening to friends, we went around the circle while holding our talking piece and answered the following questions:  
1.  What is one special thing that happened today?
2.  Tell us one thing you love about your mother.  

Our hearts were melting hearing about how wonderful your kids think their moms are!

We hope you enjoy the cards that they worked so hard on. One of the things that we loved hearing was how much attention the kids put to putting specific stickers on their cards, using colors that they knew you loved and making sure they were spelling words correctly. The pride that they all felt as they were putting their cards into their envelopes to take home was just about the best thing ever.

As always, we ended the afternoon with a book (which just may be the favorite part of the afternoon for all!). This week we read the book Let Me Finish by Minh Lê. The kids were 1,000% focused while Sarah read to them. This book is all about a little boy who wants to read a story but keeps getting interrupted by a variety of animals. It really couldn't have been a better book for us as we continue to work on listening to our friends and not bumping into their words while they talk!

A heads up about next week. The weather forecast looks nice and we plan to spend the entire afternoon outside doing special crafts, games and a "baking" activity (fruit kabobs). If it is really nice, we may have a water balloon toss or some kind of water activity so if you could send in an extra shirt just incase, that would be great.