Celebrating Motherly Love at The Meeting House

Dear Friends,

This week I wanted to salute all of our parents, but especially the mothers (sorry dads) in honor of the tradition of Mother’s Day.  While some people claim it’s a Hallmark holiday and others feel sad because they miss their own mothers, I can’t help feeling personally gratified when each year I received those hand made cards and notes from my own children. For that reason, this week’s note focuses on you - Meeting House mothers.  

At this week's fantastic, heartwarming fundraiser, it was so apparent to me that what had fueled the entire evening was the love of one mother, Meeting House Founder Paula Resnick. Since the inception of the program, which has grown and transformed into what you now see, we have been fueled by motherly love.

Alexis, Paula, Stacey and their children

Alexis, Paula, Stacey and their children

I watched as I saw the feeling spread from Paula to the two mothers who co-chaired the benefit (thank you Stacey and Alexis), as they emotionally expressed their appreciation for the afternoons their boys spend at The Meeting House.  An outgrowth of one mother’s love for her child reflected in the acceptance of many mothers with students in our program and a grateful acknowledgement of all that we have to offer.  Not to mention an audience filled with other families, adult children (mine) and yes, Paula’s own mother! A multi-generational affair to be sure.  So what’s my point?

When people care for your children and are genuinely invested in their growth and education there is a reflected glow that shines through with authenticity and warmth. It is reassuring to think that no matter what the issues, imperfections, deficits or quirks of your children, we, at TMH see them as wondrous, unique individuals, each with their own talents and gifts.  We hope this Mother’s Day we can offer that to you as our gift from the staff at TMH.

Have a wonderful weekend and a special Mother’s Day and thank you for sharing your children with us each week.



Enjoy these "Tips" from Famous Mothers:

Paul Revere’s Mother:
I don’t care where you think you have to go young man. Midnight is past curfew.  

Mona Lisa's Mother:
After all that money your father and I spent on braces, Mona, is that the biggest smile you can give us?  

Babe Ruth’s Mother:
Babe, how many times have I told you to stop playing ball in the house?  

Abraham Lincoln’s Mother:
Again with the stovepipe hat? Why can’t you wear a baseball cap like all the other kids? Thomas Edison’s Mother: Yes, I’m proud you invented the electric light bulb, Thomas. Now turn it off and go the bed!!