4 Tips for Boosting Your Kid's Holistic Health

4 Tips for Boosting Your Kid's Holistic Health

At the Meeting House, we believe that a healthy brain is connected to an overall healthy lifestyle. We sat down with one of our advisory board members, Dr. Laura Tagliareni, pediatric neuropsychologist at Pediatric Assessment Learning & Support (PALS), and discussed some of the best, holistic ways to create a brain-healthy environment for your child. Here’s what she recommends: 

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Screen Time, Social Media, and the 21st Century Child

Screen Time, Social Media, and the 21st Century Child

As our smartphones, tablets, and laptops become virtual extensions of ourselves, it can be difficult to know how to set boundaries. A quick scroll through our email at the dinner table can seem harmless enough, but when does our obsession with our devices go too far? And how can too much screen time and social media use affect our kids? We asked several child development experts about how to maintain a healthy, balanced relationship to screen time and social media.

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Unstructured Play and Healthy Risk-taking

Unstructured Play and Healthy Risk-taking

It’s difficult to believe that the importance of play for children is only now re-entering the zeitgeist. It’s almost like suddenly realizing that love and affirmation is important to human development, or that a good night’s sleep and a balanced diet is advantageous to our health. Obvious, to say the least, yes? I don’t want to pat ourselves on the back but people in -the- know in child development have always emphatically espoused that creative play is vital for all aspects of children's health and development. Wasn’t anyone listening?

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