Screen Time, Social Media, and the 21st Century Child

Screen Time, Social Media, and the 21st Century Child

As our smartphones, tablets, and laptops become virtual extensions of ourselves, it can be difficult to know how to set boundaries. A quick scroll through our email at the dinner table can seem harmless enough, but when does our obsession with our devices go too far? And how can too much screen time and social media use affect our kids? We asked several child development experts about how to maintain a healthy, balanced relationship to screen time and social media.

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Guest Post: "If We Could Turn Back Time...and Just Play" from MAC&Toys

Guest Post: "If We Could Turn Back Time...and Just Play" from MAC&Toys

In the last few months, I have been reading up a lot on play and how research is finding how important it is to social emotional development for children.  We have become so focused on teaching our children the ABCs and 123s, that we have ended up decreasing the amount of time they get to just play. 

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10 Tips for Transitioning Back to School

10 Tips for Transitioning Back to School

It's hard to believe that summer is ending and a new school year is about to begin.  Each year brings about changes for all of us, and this year The Meeting House will experience its own changes by moving to a new location at the Gaynor School.  In addition, we are starting a new program for younger children, TMH Juniors! While we are very excited about these changes, it has gotten us thinking about how we can make these transitions as smooth as can be for the kids who are a part of The Meeting House. Likewise, as you start checking things off your "To Do" list for this new school year, here are some things you can do to help your children get ready for whatever school adventures awaits!

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If Only I Could Have Camp Friends All Year Long…

If Only I Could Have Camp Friends All Year Long…

As summer is at its halfway point, I began listening to many adults who were describing their friendships with “camp” friends. I began asking some questions about “camp” friendships, even researched it a little.  I also noticed that at some fun summer parties and weddings I attended, there seemed to be a group of “camp friends” present.  So here’s what I learned…

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