If Only I Could Have Camp Friends All Year Long…

If Only I Could Have Camp Friends All Year Long…

As summer is at its halfway point, I began listening to many adults who were describing their friendships with “camp” friends. I began asking some questions about “camp” friendships, even researched it a little.  I also noticed that at some fun summer parties and weddings I attended, there seemed to be a group of “camp friends” present.  So here’s what I learned…

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Happy Summertime! + 30 Seasonal Conversation Starters

Happy Summertime! + 30 Seasonal Conversation Starters

It's all about summertime fun right now, and we're sharing 30 seasonal conversation starters to get you going with your children at the home dinner table or when writing to them at sleep-away camp!  Instead of just answering, “my day was fine,” we find these inviting questions will encourage children to be more open and communicative about their summer experiences in either case.

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